Gred gutfeld gay bar names

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'Islamic supremacist Ground Zero mega-mosque organizers whine that Gutfeld's gay bar doesn't 'consider the sensibilities of Muslims'' But the minute they heard about Gutfeld's gay bar they complained, via Twitter, that he's offending 'the sensibilities of Muslims.' What hypocrites. Gutfeld's proving the mosque backers are the intolerant ones: The people behind the Park 51 mosque have no problem trampling 'the sensibilities of the families of the victims of 9-11,' says Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch. Crass publicity stunt - or is Gutfeld making a legitimate point? ( Watch Gutfeld's announcement) Gutfeld claims he's opening the night spot to 'reduce deadly homophobia in the Islamic world,' and hopes the mosque's supporters will show the same tolerance toward his bar that they've demanded from their critics, who say the mosque's location is insensitive to victims of the 9-11 attacks. Adding fuel to the controversy over the proposed Ground Zero mosque, mischievous Fox News host Greg Gutfeld has declared his own plan to build a gay bar catering to Muslims next to the Islamic center.

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